Brown awarded him an honorary degree in 1962, and he was the the first African American trustee, elected in 1967.African Americans
The Afro-American Society was founded in the spring of 1967, when its constitution was accepted by the University upon agreement that white students would not be barred from membership.African Americans
Douglas D. Anderson joined the department in 1965, Robert R. Jay came in 1966, and George L. Hicks in 1967.Anthropology
James Deetz also came to Brown in 1967, and was at the same time appointed assistant director of Plimoth Plantation.Anthropology
From 1967 to 1992 students entering the master’s program in art history have mounted an exhibition and published a series of widely acclaimed exhibition catalogues.Art
George H. Bass was Langston Hughes’s secretary and literary assistant from 1959 to 1964, and became co-executor of Hughes’s estate in 1967.Bass, George H.
He was honored by the Yale School of Drama, which performed his plays at George Bass Day in 1967, and received the Harlem Cultural Council award in 1969.Bass, George H.
In January 1967 there was a revival of the "Brown Jug" which continued into the fall of 1968.Brown Jug
Harold Stephen Bucklin (1886-1967), professor of political science and sociology, was born in Pawtucket, Rhode Island on November 4, 1886.Bucklin, Harold S.
Catholic priests Edward Mullen and Daniel Kehew served as chaplains before 1967, when Father Howard V. O’Shea became the first full-time Catholic chaplain.Chapel
Julius Scott, an ordained minister of the Methodist Church, came to Brown in 1963 as executive secretary of the Brown Christian Association, became assistant chaplain in 1965, and was acting chaplain during Chaplain Baldwin’s leave of absence in 1965-66, and left in 1967 to become assistant director of the Southern Fellowships Fund for Negro colleges.Chapel
Richard A. Dannenfelser, a Presbyterian minister, became assistant chaplain in 1967 and associate chaplain in 1970.Chapel
The Child Study Center was established in 1967, as a result of a study begun ten years earlier, when Brown participated in the National Collaborative Project, which until 1974 collected information on 50,000 children from birth to the age of eight.Child Study Center
Rosalie L. Colie was associate professor at Wesleyan College from 1961 to 1963, professor at the University of Iowa from 1963 to 1966, visiting professor at Yale in 1966-67 and visiting research professor at Oxford University in 1967-68.Colie, Rosalie L.
After a year at the University of Toronto Rosalie L. Colie came to Brown in 1969 as professor of English and comparative literature, and was the first to hold the Nancy Duke Lewis Professorship, the first professorship at Brown endowed for women, which had been established in 1967.Colie, Rosalie L.
In 1967, the colors, official or not, were noted for the first time in the football media guide as "seal brown and cardinal."College color
In the 1960s the department grew through the addition of faculty members Herschel I. Grossman in 1964, James A. Hanson and Harl E. Ryder in 1965, Benjamin Chinitz in 1966, and Ryuzu Sato in 1967.Economics
New additions to the faculty of the department were Roberta Kellogg in 1957, Reginald Archambault in 1965, and Herman Eschenbacher in 1967.Education
Leonard Jardine began coaching in 1967 and compiled a record of 9-44-1 before John Anderson took over as coach in 1973.Football
"Rip" Engle (28-20-4) from 1943 to 1949, when he left for Penn State and took Joe Paterno with him; Gregory "Gus" Zitrides (1-8-0) in 1950; Alva E. Kelley (31-39-2) from 1951 to 1958; John J. McLaughry (17-51-3) from 1959 to 1966; Len Jardine (9-44-1) from 1967 to 1973; John Anderson (60-39-3) from 1973 to 1983; and John Rosenberg (23-33-3) from 1984 to 1989.Football
The chapter left the national fraternity in 1967 and continued as Kappa Delta Upsilon, then reaffiliated with Delta Upsilon in 1986, and in 1991 became for the second time Kappa Delta Upsilon.Fraternities
The success of the campaign brought to the University in December 1964 a second Ford Foundation challenge grant, this time for five million dollars to be met by ten million raised by the University by June 30, 1967.Fund-raising
Robley Matthews joined the staff in 1964, David G. Harkrider in 1965, Michael J. Chinnery in 1966, and John Imbrie in 1967.Geology
Julian H. Gibbs did continue his chemical research while he was president, and in 1967 won the High Polymer Prize of the American Physical Society.Gibbs, Julian H.
"Los," subtitled "a magazine of poetry," was published by the graduate students of Brown University from March 1967 to the spring of 1970.Los
A bust of Machado by sculptor Pablo Serrano acquired by the University in 1967 was moved from the Annmary Brown Memorial to the garden of the house.Machado House
In 1967 ARPA initiated a program which brought together twelve major universities in a cooperative search for new materials with "super-properties."Materials Research Laboratory
The May Day festivities became part of the Mother-Daughter Weekend in the 1950s and were last held in 1967.May Day
In 1967 he became secretary to the Advisory and Executive Committee of the Corporation, and later became secretary of the Board of Fellows.McIntyre Medal
A long-term debate on the future of ROTC began in 1967, when 35 members of the Brown Committee to abolish ROTC picketed the annual ROTC spring review at Meehan Auditorium.Military education
In November 1967 the Cammarian Club passed a resolution stating that the ROTC program was not compatible with the academic integrity of the University.Military education
Matthew C. Mitchell served on many local boards, among them the Rhode Island Commission to Encourage Morality, the advisory council to the University of Rhode Island Bureau of Government Research and Governor’s Committee on State Goals, and was secretary of the Mayor’s Special Committee on Education in 1967.Mitchell, Matthew C.
When Professor Coolidge retired in 1967, the department offered thirty courses.Music
"Novel" first appeared in the fall of 1967, created by Edward Bloom, Park Honan, and Mark Spilka, all members of the English Department, who recognized the need for an academic journal to encourage the study of fiction as a genre.Novel
Then followed Jay Saunders Redding's books on the black experience, "They Came in Chains" in 1951, "On Being Negro in America" in 1951, "The Lonesome Road" in 1958, and "The Negro," a book on the role of blacks in America, written for U. S. Information Agency distribution in 1967.Redding, Jay Saunders
The University Christian Movement was formed in 1967, bringing together Protestant and Catholic groups in a single organization.Religious Societies
The 1967 record was 13-0-1 (the one tie was with the University of Pennsylvania), but Brown was still barred from the NCAA tournament.Soccer
May Day and the masque became features of the Mother-Daughter Weekend in the 1950s and continued to be held until 1967.Sophomore Masque
In 1967 Peter, Paul and Mary sang, and Martin Luther King, coincidentally in Providence on other business, preached at the Sunday Protestant service in Sayles Hall.Spring Weekend
In fact, the plan for the new athletic complex in 1967-68 dropped squash courts from the plan.Squash
Howard R. Swearer taught political science from 1960 to 1967 at UCLA, where he was also acting director of the Russian and East European Studies Center.Swearer, Howard R.
Taliesin was a literary journal "published by the Evanescent Publishing Company," of which two issues appeared in 1967.Taliesin
Karl S. Weimar was promoted to assistant professor in 1948, associate professor in 1954, professor in 1965, and was chairman of the German Department from 1967 to 1973.Weimar, Karl S.
The wrestling coaches who followed Anderton were John F. Huntsman in 1963-64, Robert M. Litchard from 1964 to 1967, Mike Koval from 1967 to 1971, Jim Brumbaugh from 1971 to 1974; Joe Wirth from 1974 to 1980; Jim Tressler from 1980 to 1983; and Dave Amato since 1983.Wrestling