C(larence) Raymond Adams (1898-1965), professor of mathematics, was born on April 10, 1898, which was Easter Sunday, in Cranston, Rhode Island, his exact place of birth being the Rhode Island Training School for Boys (Sockanosset) where his father was employed as an engineer.Adams, Clarence Raymond
In 1945George K. Anderson was granted a Guggenheim fellowship for research on the legend of the Wandering Jew, which culminated in "The Legend of the Wandering Jew," published in 1965.Anderson, George K.
Douglas D. Anderson joined the department in 1965, Robert R. Jay came in 1966, and George L. Hicks in 1967.Anthropology
In 1965 the Center organized an international symposium, held in Puerto Rico and co-sponsored by the U.S. Air Force’s Office of Scientific Research, which was attended by one hundred of the world’s leading mathematicians.Applied Mathematics
Two major periodicals edited in the division since their foundation are the "Quarterly of Applied Mathematics," founded by Professor Prager in 1942, and the "Journal of Differential Equations," founded in 1965.Applied Mathematics
Stanley Ward’s teams from 1965 to 1968 had a 40-57-2 record.Baseball
A hoax issue of the "Herald" which went wrong was that of December 6, 1965, with its oversized headline, "Pembrokers Get Apartments; Experiment Begins in Spring," and related stories.BDH Brown Daily Herald
The celebration of the bicentennial year included a variety of events between September 1964 and June 1965.Bicentennial celebration
The Division of Biological and Medical Sciences was formed in 1965 under the administration of an Executive Council chaired by Professor Paul F. Fenton.Biology
In 1965 the Departments of Botany and Biology and the Division of Medical Science were merged into the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences.Botany
The first elected alumna trustee was Elizabeth Goodale Kenyon ’39 in 1965.Brown Corporation
Sharon Osborne Brown (1891-1965), professor of English, was born in Calais, Maine, on March 10, 1891.Brown, Sharon
The work was mostly his, although Sharon Brown turned it over to others in the last year before his death in Providence on December 17, 1965.Brown, Sharon
Nancy Simons, who was director of religious activities at Pembroke, became assistant chaplain in 1965.Chapel
Julius Scott, an ordained minister of the Methodist Church, came to Brown in 1963 as executive secretary of the Brown Christian Association, became assistant chaplain in 1965, and was acting chaplain during Chaplain Baldwin’s leave of absence in 1965-66, and left in 1967 to become assistant director of the Southern Fellowships Fund for Negro colleges.Chapel
Rev. Bennett Owens was acting chaplain of the Episcopal College Church during Canon Crocker’s leave in 1965-66.Chapel
The preamble to the Charter of 1764 sets forth the purposes of the institution: One provision of the Charter, that of tax exemption for the faculty, became controversial in later years, was amended in 1863 and was gradually phased out after 1965.Charter
In June 1965 the Corporation set about the elimination of the $10,000 exemption by voting that "as a condition of appointment all who are appointed President or full Professor effective July 1, 1966 or thereafter shall waive their right to Charter exemption from taxes on their property."Charter
Herman B. Chase was chairman of the Department of Biology from 1963 to 1965, and when the department became the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, he served as Director of Biology from 1965 to 1967.Chase, Herman B.
Later expeditions led by Professor R. Ross Holloway excavated a site in Athens in 1965 and commenced the excavation of Satrianum in Lucania in 1966.Classics
In 1965 Brown joined with the University of Texas and Cornell University in a project supported by the Ford Foundation to establish a modern language laboratory in Cairo to improve the teaching of English.Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
Also in 1965 the Brown-Tougaloo Language Project was begun under the direction of W. Nelson Francis with support from the Rockefeller Foundation.Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
The Pops Concert was first held on the Pembroke Campus on the Saturday of the Commencement Weekend in 1965 to celebrate the closing of Brown’s bicentennial year.Commencement
Since 1965 faculty members specializing in computer science, Andries van Dam, John Savage and Peter Wegner, were hired to develop the computer science program, and in 1975 there was a Program in Computer Science under the direction of the computer science faculty.Computer Science
In 1965 for the first time a Pembroke alumna was nominated for a membership on the Board of Trustees under a new agreement between the Associated Alumni and the Pembroke Alumnae Association.Corporation
The first elected alumna trustee was Elizabeth Goodale Kenyon ’39 in 1965.Corporation
Damon was to become one of the world’s leading authorities on Blake, publishing "A New Page in Blake’s Milton" in 1925, "Blake’s Grave" in 1963, "A Blake Dictionary" in 1965, and two texts to accompany Blake’s illustrations for the Book of Job, "The Doctrine of Job" in 1950, and "Blake’s Job" in 1966.Damon, Samuel Foster
In 1965 at a junior convocation PresidentBarnaby Keeney in a speech on campus communication had occasion to discuss the function of deans.Dean
In the fall of 1965 an East Asia Language and Area Center was established in connection with the Department of Political Science, and Professsor Lea E. Williams was named director.East Asian Studies
Chinese courses had begun in 1962 in the Department of Linguistics, instructed by James Wrenn, who was joined in 1965 by David Lattimore, and in 1975 by Chieh-fang Ou Lee.East Asian Studies
In the 1960s the department grew through the addition of faculty members Herschel I. Grossman in 1964, James A. Hanson and Harl E. Ryder in 1965, Benjamin Chinitz in 1966, and Ryuzu Sato in 1967.Economics
New additions to the faculty of the department were Roberta Kellogg in 1957, Reginald Archambault in 1965, and Herman Eschenbacher in 1967.Education
Robley Matthews joined the staff in 1964, David G. Harkrider in 1965, Michael J. Chinnery in 1966, and John Imbrie in 1967.Geology
In 1965 he was the first recipient of the Mayo D. Hersey award, which continued to be given annually by the American Society of Engineers for "outstanding and continued contributions to the field of lubrication science and engineering."Hersey, Mayo D.
Albert F. Hinrichs's later assignments included a post with the Institute of Public and Business Administration at the University of Karachi, principal statistical advisor to the government of Pakistan, professor at Syracuse University, and chief of the statistical advisors to the government of the Republic of China in 1965.Hinrichs, Albert F.
Added to the department faculty were: in 1958, William G. McLoughlin, formerly of the Political Science Department (American religious and cultural history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries); in 1959, Donald G. Rohr (nineteenth century German social and intellectual history); in 1964, John L. Thomas (Civil War and Reconstruction); in 1965, Bryce Lyon (the Middle Ages); in 1966, Stephen R. Graubard, who had been a visiting professor the year before (Modern British and French history) and Anthony Mohlo (Renaissance and Reformation); in 1968, A.History
In January 1965 at an invitational tournament held at Meehan Auditorium, in which the East was represented by Brown and Providence College and the West by Michigan State and Colorado College, Brown was the winner of its own tournament, defeating Michigan 6-2, and Colorado 6-5 in overtime.Hockey
Professor Mac V. Edds became chairman of the new Division of Medicine, and in 1965 became Director of Medicine in the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences.Medical education
The University reluctantly put the property up for sale, and it was purchased in December 1965 by the YMCA, which had previously leased the property for use as a summer day camp.Outing Reservation
"Two Centuries of Brown Verse, 1764-1964" was selected and edited by Sharon Brown as a Bicentennial Publication in 1965.Poetry
The department expanded as a result of the establishment in 1965 of the East Asia Language and Area Center, with Lea Williams as director.Political Science
African studies expanded with the arrival of Newell Stultz in 1965.Political Science
Lyman Kirkpatrick also came in 1965, resigning after eighteen years with the Central Intelligence Agency.Political Science
In 1965 William Prager left Brown to become professor of applied mechanics at the San Diego campus of the University of California.Prager, William
The President’s chain and pendant, which is worn on ceremonial occasions when the mace is carried, was an anonymous gift of an honorary alumnus in 1965.President’s chain and pendant
Zenas Bliss was appointed after the death of Arnold, and the post was vacant from the retirement of Bliss in June 1965 until the appointment of Merton Stoltz after the arrival of President Heffner in 1966.Provost
After retiring from Scripps in 1965, Norris W. Rakestraw was a foreign liaison officer and scientific adviser with the federal Office of Naval Research and the Naval Research Laboratory.Rakestraw, Norris W.
Georgiana McLean was associate executive secretary of the University Christian Association from 1958 to 1960, and was succeeded by Nancy Simons, who was director of religious activities at Pembroke and became assistant chaplain in 1965.Religious Societies
In 1965 Schumann represented Brown at the tercentenary of the University of Kiel, on which occasion he was made an "Ehrenbürger," or Honorary Fellow of the University.Schumann, Detlev W.
The 1965 team had a 12-1-1 record, was undefeated in the League, and lost, 2-6, to Navy in the quarterfinals of the NCAA tournament.Soccer
When other departments became interested in population issues, the Population Studies and Training Center was created in 1965, and has since become a multidisciplinary unit organized to facilitate research and training in demography, with a core faculty from the Department of Sociology.Sociology
Among the Spring Weekend performers were Ella Fitzgerald and Bo Diddley in 1965 and Janis Joplin, whose concert was crashed by 50 persons with forged tickets, in 1969.Spring Weekend
In 1965, to conform with standards of the Ivy League, the scoreboard was redesigned by the Providence Electric Company in honor of the Samuel D. and Murray A. Cohen family.Stadium
One of the first acts of President Heffner on his arrival was to appoint Stoltz provost of the University, a post which had been vacant since June of 1965.Stoltz, Merton P.
Jim Dougherty coached from 1965 to 1975, Dave Johnson in 1977-78, and William Cullen from 1978 to 1982.Tennis
In 1965 George A. Owens, who had been acting president for a year, was named the first black president of Tougaloo.Tougaloo College
The remaining treasurers have been Arnold Buffum Chace1866 from 1882 to 1900; Cornelius S. Sweetland 1866 from 1900 to 1923; Frank W. Matteson 1892 from 1923 to 1933, Edwin Aylsworth Burlingame ’14, acting treasurer from 1933 to 1934; Harold C. Field 1894 from 1934 to 1949; George Burton Hibbert from 1949 to 1950; Gordon L. Parker ’18 from 1950 to 1965; Patrick J. James ’32 from 1965 to 1970; Joseph W. Ress ’26 from 1970 to 1979; Andrew M. Hunt ’51 from 1979 to 1988; and Marie J. Langlois ’64 since 1988.Treasurer
Karl S. Weimar was promoted to assistant professor in 1948, associate professor in 1954, professor in 1965, and was chairman of the German Department from 1967 to 1973.Weimar, Karl S.