Since about 1959 Brown has participated in this student-run operation and, as a member of the Rhode Island branch composed of students from Brown, Providence College and Rhode Island College, solicits aid from local corporations to send students abroad as trainees, sponsors conferences and brings speakers from the business world to the campus, holds fruit basket sales to help with expenses, and handles arrangements for the students who become summer trainees in foreign countries.AIESEC
Giddings was joined in 1959 by Dwight B. Heath, and a program in anthropology was begun within the Sociology Department, which changed its name to Department of Sociology and Anthropology.Anthropology
Thomas Baird Appleget (1893-1982), vice-president of the University from 1949 to 1959, was born in Hightstown, New Jersey, on January 16, 1893.Appleget, Thomas B.
Sinclair Wallace Armstrong (1897-1959), professor of history, was born in Middletown, Connecticut, on March 31, 1897, the son of a professor of philosophy at Wesleyan.Armstrong, Sinclair W.
McKinnon, who came as an assistant to his brother-in-law Huggins, worked for seven Brown football coaches from 1909 to 1959, taking over as head trainer when Huggins died in 1924, on the day of the football game with Yale.Athletics
Under coach James G. "Gerry" Alaimo ’58 the team improved slowly, and in 1972-73 had its first winning season since 1959-60, as five sophomores, Phil Brown ’75, Jim Busam ’75, Vaughan Clarke ’75, Lloyd Desvigne ’75, and Eddie Morris ’75, finished 14-12 and third in the Ivy League, and went on to 17-9 and a tie for second in the league in 1973-74, and 14-12 and a tie for third in 1974-75.Basketball
George H. Bass graduated from Fisk University with honors in mathematics in 1959, and pursued graduate study in business at Columbia University.Bass, George H.
George H. Bass was Langston Hughes’s secretary and literary assistant from 1959 to 1964, and became co-executor of Hughes’s estate in 1967.Bass, George H.
Its duration is not, however, as long as its numbering suggests, having been inadvertently extended on January 18, 1959, when the volume number abruptly changed from 68 to 88, an error on which all subsequent numbering has been based.BDH Brown Daily Herald
The "Brown Daily Herald Supplement" was first published on September 28, 1959.BDH Brown Daily Herald
He retired in 1959, and Professor Church became chairman of the department in 1958.Botany
Robert Pierce Casey (1897-1959), professor of Biblical literature, was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, on December 3, 1897.Casey, Robert P.
The renovation of Manning Chapel in 1959 and its rededication for the purpose of voluntary worship brought about the reconsideration of compulsory chapel.Chapel
The expected change was voted by the Corporation on May 30, 1959.Chapel
When compulsory chapel ended in September 1959, it was replaced by a new program of bi-weekly College Convocations of a more secular character.Chapel
At the rededication in 1959 of Manning Chapel on the second floor of Manning Hall, Chancellor Harold Tanner announced that compulsory chapel would be discontinued in the fall of 1959.Chapel
With his office at St. Stephen’s Church Reverend Wylie served until 1958, and was followed by Canon Crocker from 1959 to 1969, and Rev. Sheldon Flory from 1970 to 1974.Chapel
Church, who specialized in French political thought and was known as "one of the handful of Richelieu scholars in the world," published "Constitutional Thought in Sixteenth Century France" in 1941, "The Greatness of Louis XIV: Myth or Reality?" in 1959, and "Richelieu and Reason of State" in 1973.Church, William F.
In 1959 Leallyn B. Clapp became involved in an experiment called the Chemical Bond Approach, and was on leave in the fall of that year to work at Earlham College in Richmond, where he edited the first two editions of CBA, which was intended to revolutionize the teaching of chemistry in the secondary schools with a new approach which encouraged students to learn from their experiments in the laboratory and to think like chemists.Clapp, Leallyn B.
Production Workshop was formed in 1959-60 as an independent organization, controlled by students.Dramatics
In the 1950s the department grew through the addition of faculty members George H. Borts in 1950, Jerome L. Stein in 1953, Michael J. Brennan in 1957, Phillip D. Cagan in 1958, and Martin J. Beckmann and Mark B. Schupack in 1959.Economics
There were only two more issues, the final one printed in the summer of 1959.Editor
In 1959 the Ford Foundation awarded Brown a grant of $1,047,000 to begin the program which was called The Brown Plan for Teacher Education, also under the direction of Smith.Education
One of the first projects of the Plan was a curriculum revision program for the public school system of Warren, Rhode Island in 1959-60.Education
In 1959 John McLaughry ’40, son of coach Tuss McLaughry, came back to Brown as football coach, after a successful coaching career which included three years at Union College and nine at Amherst, an overall coaching record of 61-29-5 and an undefeated season at each college.Football
"Rip" Engle (28-20-4) from 1943 to 1949, when he left for Penn State and took Joe Paterno with him; Gregory "Gus" Zitrides (1-8-0) in 1950; Alva E. Kelley (31-39-2) from 1951 to 1958; John J. McLaughry (17-51-3) from 1959 to 1966; Len Jardine (9-44-1) from 1967 to 1973; John Anderson (60-39-3) from 1973 to 1983; and John Rosenberg (23-33-3) from 1984 to 1989.Football
In 1959 seven new members were added, among them Richard Nurse ’61.Fraternities
The national Phi Kappa, which had grown to more than thirty chapters, merged with the national Theta Kappa Phi in 1959 to form Phi Kappa Theta.Fraternities
In June 1959 a major fund drive to raise fifteen million dollars was launched with Thomas J. Watson, Jr. ’37 as chairman, and continued through 1960 and the first part of 1961.Fund-raising
Leland M. Goodrich's book, "The United Nations," was one of seventy "controversial" volumes removed from a United States exhibition in Moscow in 1959, and was later one of 37 of these books allowed to be returned to the exhibit.Goodrich, Leland M.
His last book, "Cicero on the "Art "of Growing Old, "written while on sabbatical in 1958, was published after his death from a heart attack on June 6, 1959 in Providence.Herbert Newell Couch
Added to the department faculty were: in 1958, William G. McLoughlin, formerly of the Political Science Department (American religious and cultural history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries); in 1959, Donald G. Rohr (nineteenth century German social and intellectual history); in 1964, John L. Thomas (Civil War and Reconstruction); in 1965, Bryce Lyon (the Middle Ages); in 1966, Stephen R. Graubard, who had been a visiting professor the year before (Modern British and French history) and Anthony Mohlo (Renaissance and Reformation); in 1968, A.History
Gerald Toomer came to Brown as a special student in 1959 and joined the department in 1963 to pursue his interests in "the history of mathematics in antiquity and the transmission of these systems through Arabic into medieval Europe."History of Mathematics
Reinhard Kuhn was assistant professor and later associate professor of French at the University of Kansas between 1959 and 1963, and professor of French at the University of Buffalo in 1963-64.Kuhn, Reinhard
Continuing informally, lacrosse was coached in 1959 and 1960 by Terry Reardon of the Providence Reds.Lacrosse
The accompanying performances, workshops, and recitals went on for a week, and included a performance of "The Master," a play written by Professor James Schevill, directed by Professor John Emigh, and performed by Professor James O. Barnhill and Julia Roig 1980, a lecture by John Ford Noonan, a theatre arts workshop with Richard Foreman 1959, and the first class held in the new theatre, which was taught by Robert Bailey 1970.Lyman Hall
On March 8, 1959 Manning Chapel was rededicated to its original function.Manning Hall
The first service in the restored chapel was held on February 15, 1959, the occasion being the Universal Day of Prayer for Students.Manning Hall
From 1949 to 1959 the Glee Club was under the direction of David Laurent.Musical Clubs
Erich Kunzel became director of the Glee Club in 1959.Musical Clubs
In 1959 a special committee, noting that the University of Rhode Island and Salve Regina College were offering four-year nursing programs and that the steps necessary for accreditation of the Pembroke program were not practical considering the small number of students, recommended that registration for the bachelor of science degree in nursing be discontinued with the class entering in 1960.Nursing program
Although Snell retired in 1959, he never left the campus, but went right on working.Snell, Walter H.
Kennaway coached until 1959, with a fourteen-year record of 44-71-10 Cliff Stevenson was the first full-time soccer coach.Soccer
Soccer coaches at Brown have been Sam Fletcher from 1925 to 1946, Joe Kennaway from 1946 to 1959, Cliff Stevenson from 1960 to 1990, and Trevor Adair since 1991.Soccer
In the next few years the department was enlarged by the arrival of Kurt B. Mayer in 1950, Harold W. Pfautz in 1952, Sidney Goldstein in 1955, Basil G. Zimmer in 1959, and James M. Sakoda in 1962.Sociology
Appleget retired in June 1959 and his position was vacant until John Van Gassbeek Elmendorf arrived in May 1961 from Mexico, where he had been Executive Director of the Mexican-American Cultural Institute and for eight years a member of the faculty and an administrative officer at Mexico City College.Vice Presidents
Walter Hall at 80 Waterman Street, formerly the Delta Upsilon house, was in 1959 taken over by the Biology Department as an annex to Arnold Laboratory, to be used for graduate research in genetics, radiation biology, and allied fields.Walter Hall
John Rowe Workman was academic advisor and loyal supporter of the hockey team (his portrait hangs in Meehan Auditorium) and was revered by the students, so much so that the editors of "Bear Facts" chose to list him under "Brown Traditions:" He wrote "Arx Antiqua" in 1948, "A Term of College Latin" in 1954, and "New Horizons of Higher Education," describing the Identification and Criticism of Ideas curriculum at Brown, in 1959.Workman, John Rowe