Elisha Benjamin Andrews wrote two historical textbooks, "Brief Institutes of Our Constitutional History, English and American" in 1886, a book written for use as a students’ syllabus of his lectures, and "Brief Institutes of General History" in 1887, an outline of history to the late nineteenth century.Andrews, Elisha Benjamin
The New England Intercollegiate Athletic Association was organized in 1886, and Brown began to send representatives to the meets.Athletics
John Carter Brown 1816 had two sons, John Nicholas Brown 1885 and Harold Brown 1886, both of whom died in May 1900, leaving their estates to the three-month old John Nicholas Brown, Jr. Young John Nicholas led a secluded life as a child, partly because of his frailty, which may have been caused by growth.Brown family
Harold Stephen Bucklin (1886-1967), professor of political science and sociology, was born in Pawtucket, Rhode Island on November 4, 1886.Bucklin, Harold S.
In 1886 Olivet College in Michigan established a department of biology and Bumpus was offered the professorship.Bumpus, Hermon Carey
Meanwhile Charles V. Chapin was instructor in physiology at Brown from 1882 to 1886 and professor from 1886 to 1895, city registrar of Providence from 1889 to 1932, lecturer at Harvard Medical School in 1909, at Harvard-M.I.T. School for health officers from 1913 to 1922, and at Harvard School of Hygiene from 1923 to 1931.Chapin, Charles V.
In 1882, a reception with dancing was held in the new Sayles Hall, and by 1886 the senior reception had become a dance.Class Day
Brown men who were college presidents in foreign countries are Josiah Nelson Cushing 1862 of the Baptist College in Rangoon, Albert Arnold Bennett 1872 of the Baptist Theological Seminary of Japan, Wilbur Brown Parshley 1886 of Yokohama Theological Seminary, and Francois Jacobus de Villiers of Dower College, South Africa.College and University Presidents
The first earned graduate Master of Arts degrees were awarded to Austen K. DeBlois and George Grafton Wilson 1886 in 1888.Degrees
In 1880 he began his visits to Egypt, and in 1886 acquired his own sailing dahabiyeh, named "The Seven Hathors," in which he and his family sailed on the Nile in the winters.Egyptology
In 1886 all courses in drawing were taken over by Otis E. Randall, newly appointed instructor of mathematics and civil engineering.Engineering
Edward C. Burnham 1886 (Sc.B., M.I.T. 1890), appointed instructor in mechanical drawing and engineering in 1892, developed a course in mechanical engineering.Engineering
In 1886 a league was formed by Amherst, Brown, Dartmouth, M.I.T., and Stevens Institute, but the league games did not begin.Football
There were no games between 1886 and 1889, when Brown might have made use of a student named John Heisman 1891, who stayed for only two years.Football
The first graduate degrees were awarded to Austen K. DeBlois and George Grafton Wilson 1886, both of whom received the Master of Arts degree in 1888 and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1889, DeBlois in philosophy and psychology and Wilson in history and political science.Graduate School
Mayo Dyer Hersey (1886-1978), professor of engineering, was born in Pawtuxet Neck, Rhode Island, on August 30, 1886.Hersey, Mayo D.
One of her two sons, Harold Brown 1886, was more interested in his collection of books on the liturgy of the Church of England and the history of that church in America.John Carter Brown Library
The building was heated by stoves which were replaced by the introduction of steam heat in 1886; gas was introduced into the building about 1873.Manning Hall
The chapel remained, but was also being used for more mundane purposes as President Robinson noted in his report of 1886, "The other than religious uses to which Manning Hall is not infrequently given up have stocked it with associations that are by no means congenial with the spirit of devotion."Manning Hall
William Carey Poland lectured on the history of art at Boston University in 1901 and 1902, was secretary of the Commission of Colleges in New England on Admission Examinations from 1886 to 1905, and prepared the "Necrology of Brown University," which appeared in the "Providence Journal" annually on Commencement day, from 1888 to 1904.Poland, William Carey
In 1886 the Society for Missionary Inquiry which had existed since 1834 was merged with the association as the Department for Missionary Inquiry.Religious Societies
Eventually the display cases in the museum obstructed the windows, and skylights were installed in the summer of 1886.Rhode Island Hall
Crew was given up in 1886-87 because of the impossibility of raising enough money to support both baseball and crew, the popularity of baseball naturally prevailing.Rowing
Sociology first appeared in the curriculum in 1891 when the Department of History and Political Science added Social Science to its title and George Grafton Wilson 1886 was appointed associate professor of political and social science.Sociology
The design of the original cupola was a matter of discussion, some being of the opinion that it was hexagonal and Norman Isham 1886, architectural consultant, sure that it was octagonal.University Hall
Upton took a leave of absence in the academic year 1886-87, during which he spent six months in Germany, two months in England, and visited leading European observatories.Upton, Winslow