1810 Categories YearsArticles Romeo Elton entered Brown University in 1810 and graduated in 1813.Elton, Romeo Samuel Stillman Greene (1810-1883), professor of didactics, mathematics, natural history, astronomy and logic, was born in Belchertown, Massachusetts, on May 3, 1810.Greene, Samuel Stillman The first meeting of the Rhode Island branch was held on July 3, 1799, the last recorded meeting in November of 1810.Philandrian Society Jonathan Russell's diplomatic career began when President James Madison appointed him chargé d’affaires in Paris in 1810.Russell, Jonathan The cost of the building, erected in 1810, was $1,452.86, which was obtained from 118 persons, with Brown and Ives making up the final amount of $90.30 needed to cover the cost.University Grammar School