Ambassadors and ministers to foreign countries have included Brown men since the early nineteenth century, among them: Jonathan Russell1791, ambassador to Sweden and Norway; Henry Wheaton 1802, minister to Prussia; Christopher Robinson 1825, minister to Peru; George Van Ness Lothrop 1838, minister to Russia; Lewis Richmond 1842, minister to Portugal; Samuel Sullivan Cox 1846, minister to Turkey; James Burrill Angell1849, minister to China and Turkey; John Hay1858, ambassador to Great Britain; John Meredith Read 1858, minister to Greece; Frederick M. Sackett 1890, ambassador to Germany; Leland Howard Littlefield 1892, ambassador to Great Britain; Noble B. Judah ’04, ambassador to Cuba; Ely E. Palmer ’08, ambassador to Afghanistan; Roy Tasco Davis ’10, minister to Guatemala and Costa Rica, and Panama; Warren Randolph Burgess ’12, ambassador to NATO; Dana Gardner Munro ’12, minister to Haiti; Willard L. Beaulac ’20, ambassador to Paraguay, Columbia, Cuba, Chile, and Argentina; John J. Muccio ’21, ambassador to Korea, Iceland, and Guatemala; Will Mercer Cook A.M.’31, ambassador to Niger and Senegal; Clinton E. Knox A.M.’31, ambassador to Dahomey; Thomas J. Watson, Jr. ’37, ambassador to the U.S.S.R.; Taylor G. Belcher ’41, ambassador to Cyprus; William H. Sullivan ’43, ambassador to Laos; and Nathaniel Davis ’46, ambassador to Guatemala.Ambassadors and ministers
Abigail Adams Hobart, whose brother, Aaron was in the Class of 1805, completed in June 1802, in the tenth year of her age, a sampler which depicts University Hall (which is identified as "Providence College"), the president’s house and two other buildings.Campus
Religious Societies flourished at Brown throughout the nineteenth century, the first known being the Praying Society formed by a few pious students in 1802 for the purpose of "their own sanctification and for the conversion of their fellow students," which held prayer meetings and corresponded with similar societies in other colleges.Religious Societies
Barnas Sears (1802-1880), fifth president of Brown University, was born in Sandisfield in the Berkshires, Massachusetts, on November 19, 1802.Sears, Barnas
An attempt to correct this situation was made in 1802 by the appointment of a committee "for digesting a new plan for the Stewards department."Steward
The new plan, reported on October 13, 1802, provided that $400 a year be allowed to the steward, who would now in addition to furnishing commons, take entire charge of the college buildings and grounds.Steward
In 1802 Benjamin West became postmaster of Providence, a post which he held until his death on August 26, 1813.West, Benjamin
At Commencement in 1802 Henry Wheaton delivered an oration on "Progress of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences during the Eighteenth Century."Wheaton, Henry